I have previously done such a test (see left) but I do need to make some serious revisions due to one major restraint I am now faced with that I didn’t have to worry about back then.
The first thing I have to do is re-draft the basic block from which my pattern will be drawn (see below).
It is while I am tracing off my pattern pieces that something struck me, which means I need to stop and think carefully.
Although I have a good range of sizes of trousers to use, ranging from a couple of waist 33s up to the biggest at waist 36, I have realised that even these will not cover the pattern shape for the front panels – well not in the same way I cut them last time around.

To show the problem I have got, I dug out the pattern for the front panel of my first jacket and laid it on top of the largest piece of GAP fabric I have (from the back of the size 36) (see left).
You can see that the lapel to shoulder fits okay at the top, but the lower body over-hangs by a good 2 inches.
The way round this is to re-balance how the body panels are split up from the block.
What I have done is give more to the side panel, thus narrowing the front.
In the comparison above you can see the older pattern with a very narrow side panel (see above, left), compared to the new pattern with a much wider side panel (see above, right).
When this revised front pattern is laid over the GAP fabric, you can see it now fits (see right).
So now I have sorted that out, I need to start cutting this in calico and quickly knock up a test garment.
I covered a lot of this a while back under Pattern Cutting and Jacket Pockets, so I won’t repeat myself here.
But I will show you how it came together! (see below).
Now, I should point out it has not been hemmed or seamed around the edges, so it looks a little long and large in the lapels. This will all sort itself out when I get to the next stage.
Check back real soon to see how things shape up.
You live and learn, especially when reading these blogs, now I think about it I'm almost glad I'm too student poor to afford any of this as by the time I can the costumes will probably be thrice improved in accuracy lol :D Keep up the good work, it makes for quite interesting and enthralling blogs