Tuesday 14 February 2012

Louise Page - The Tie Three story

So far Louise Page has told us about two of the Tenth Doctor’s ties: the popular Daniel Hechter tie; and the one-off vintage worn in The Christmas Invasion.

The next tie in the Tie Index was another that made only one appearance.

School Reunion had one of the most sombre ties worn by the Tenth Doctor.

Have you ever wondered why?

The next tie Louise will recall is the much envied Tie Four.
Check back real soon, as I have a major scoop to reveal . . . .
Thanks to Kevin Coppa for giving the interview clips the polished look, and enormous thanks to Louise Page for sharing her memories of dressing the Tenth Doctor with us all


  1. Replies
    1. Don't worry - extra special coverage is coming of that one very soon.So much so it will be over FOUR postings!

  2. I do remember watching this episode and noting how vibrant and eye catching many of the teacher's ties were.
    These are brilliant, I can't wait to see what the story is with the rest!
