Monday 6 February 2012

Louise Page - The Tie One story

As you will have seen, costume designer Louise Page recently visited me again so that we could do a proper on-camera interview for my blogs, and today I have the first of the clips I will be posting over the coming weeks.

My most popular entry in this blog is by far my Tie Index, so I had to ask her about these for my readers.

The first tie David is seen wearing is a bit of an odd-ball.
It only appears in the closing scenes of The Christmas Invasion, and has never been correctly identified.

As I found out from Louise, there is a reason for this . . .

Check back real soon to hear Louise’s thoughts on Tie Two, the Daniel Hechter tie, or as she calls it, the Doll Tie!
Thanks to Kevin Coppa for giving the interview clips the polished look, and enormous thanks to Louise Page for sharing her memories of dressing the Tenth Doctor with us all


  1. Finally taking the time to watch all these clips properly.

    They are very professional looking. Good job to Kevin Coppa, and thanks Steve for going above and beyond with answers to questions that have been hanging in the air since Tennant started.

    Also, thanks to Louise Page for doing the interviews! It's very rare that a behind the scenes interview focuses on just the costume designer, so it's very unique and interesting to hear all about the specifics of each item!

    1. There are some great stories to come . . .. stay tuned
