Tuesday 15 May 2012

Louise Page - SB6 Space suit special

As well as talking to costume designer Louise Page at length about the ties worn by David Tennant during his time as The Doctor, I also had the chance to discuss he work on a number of other items for his wardrobe.

We chatted about the suit and over coat, but first I thought we’d look an increasing popular focus for cosplayers - the Sanctuary Base Space Suit.

Louise tells us the background story to how the suits were made and assembled.

Thanks to Kevin Coppa for giving the interview clips the polished look, and enormous thanks to Louise Page for sharing her memories of dressing the Tenth Doctor with us all


  1. Hey Pumpkin. Generic post here, but wanted to say love your blog, I found it while looking up pics of Tennant. I'm putting together a pattern for suits and love all the HQ pics on your site. Helped me in determining the length and fit of a modern suit jacket. Tennant was so fashionable, I still miss him on the show. Keep up the good work!
