Friday 27 March 2009

A new journey begins

This is intended to be a 'brother' blog to my Tennant Coat blog. I thought it best to keep the two separate, that way if you are interested in one or other you can follow them without having to trawl through to find the next step or one or other.

This will be a bit more of a long term project, as the pattern for the suit is a new one on me. I have been making coats for a couple of years, and have gone through several drafts and versions along the way. I have never made the suit before, so this is coming in from the ground floor.

I would not have started this project if it hadn't been for this posting on dw_cosplay:

I came to the thread a bit late, and thought I had missed out, but through the generous help of the guy that started the thread, I managed to nab a load of the Jo-Ann fabric. I am eternally grateful to him for his help - it is much appreciated. He is a top bloke!

I want to be careful with my allowance of fabric and don't want to waste any, so my plan is as follows:
  1. Calico test suit 
    To thrash out the pattern and make sure it fits, I will first make a test suit in classic cheap calico

  2. Fully made suit in brown moleskin
    I have some left over brown moleskin fabric from an abandoned project from last year, so will make good use of it and work up a fully finished wearable suit with all details in place

  3. Fully made suit in Jo-Ann fabric
    Once I am happy with my pattern (in calico) and the assembly / technique of making it (in moleskin) I will only then start cutting it in THE Jo-Ann fabric
I will be dovetailing this work in while making my next Tennant coat, so entries will be in fits and starts.

Like the Coat blog, I'll also touch on other suits out there; my experiences of buying/owning the suits; the making of my new Tennant suit; techniques I have picked up while working on it.

Anyway, hope you will look in and see how I am getting on.
Let me know what you think and don't be shy about giving me ideas.

So long for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there :)

    This is very cool. I also have just acquired some familiar stripey fabric and have hopes of making my own suit. I like the idea of making a practice suit (the one of moleskin) as well as the test/pattern... I had not thought of that!

    I also feel like I've missed out on some great stuff, seeing as how I only discovered dw_cosplay (and you on it) late last year, after having watched all the episodes with Tennant (also late - I live in Canada). But I have hope. Hope, and an old Singer machine.

