Now I have the youngest ever contributor to my blog, 13 year old Michael Davis.
Name Michael Davis
Age 13
Location Woodhouse, Sheffield
Favourite Doctor Tenth Doctor
Maker of my suit K.R.Collection
Colour of suit Brown Suit
I got the suit and coat way back in July 2010. After looking for 6 years I had finaly found one on eBay. Believe it or not it’s just a wedding suit, with blue and white pin-stripes – but it’s still awesome!
The reason I wanted a suit was because I saw Tennant and I loved his dress sense and I thought it would make me look very snazzy and because I saw Tony Coburn’s impression on YouTube and I wanted to do the same. So I begun my long search.
My first suit was a Blue suit jacket, with red pin-stripes (which is no longer with me). But I was mainly looking for a brown suit and considering my age I wanted the best I could get. and the brown suit I have now is as good as I can afford, for now atleast, in the future I hope to get a close match.
When I first bought the suit I made sure there was room for me to grow, so it didn’t brilliantly at first, infact the trousers were a pain, but as i’ve grown it’s got better.
My favourite thing about the suit is the style. I like that there are flaps on the pockets for the brainy specs and inside ones, especially one for the sonic to go in, I getting out the sonic and acting like Ten.
But of course there is room for improvement, the shade, the pin-stripes but luckily I’m getting a better one very soon.
My best friend who is a lookalike, Richard Ashton, now has a perfect replica and he was selling his old blue and brown suits, he had selt the blue one and one day when I was in the car with him, whilest his wife went into a store, I told his lad, he could have my current one, then he asked would I like his old one.

My gadgets I have are the sonic and of course the other props, I’m hoping to get the Celestial Toystore Sonic Screwdriver - not to mention I have a farious collection of replica ties, Tie four, five, seven and eleven, of course there is a story behind them, the first one I got was tie 11, I saw it one day last year in primark and thought bingo, tie 5 I saw whilest visiting my brother and tie's four and seven Richard has past onto me because he either no longer required them or he got Magnoli replicas.
In my opinion a snappy Doctor can inspire people to follow the dress sense, all I can say is thank God for Louise Page, because she has inspired a new generation!
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